Friday, July 25, 2014

Surfing with Proper Etiquette

Proper surfing etiquette is one of the first things you’ll need to learn as a surfing beginner in Maui. These basic rules of surfing are for your safety and that of other surfers, but following this surfing etiquette will also help you gain the high opinion of local seasoned surfers. And they might even give you some helpful tips.

surfing maui
You’ll need to understand these few basic ‘rules of the surfing road’ as part of your Maui surf lessons, before you embark on your surfing or “he’e nalu” adventure.

Surfing Right of Way. Just as with rules of the road, there are rules of the wave in surfing that surfers must yield to. The first surfer or the surfer closest to the peak of the break has the right of way on that wave. Anyone else paddling for that wave should allow him fist access. The surfer riding the wave has the right of way and the surfer paddling out to the break must yield. This means getting out of the way when possible, even if it is into the breaking wave or behind the rider.

If you’re paddling for a wave and someone is paddling out toward you, it’s good to make eye contact with that person and indicate the direction you’re intending to go in reference to them.

Don’t Ditch your Board. In the beginning, it may be a little difficult to handle your board on the waves. But don’t let go of your surfboard. If you throw your board behind you in a big wave, there’s a good possibility it will harm another surfer. Even with a leash attached, there’s a chance that the leash might break or detach itself from the board. Always put a great deal of distance between you and other surfers, paddling next to them, not in front or behind them so that if you’re board does get away from you, it won’t hurt others.

Staying in the right location for your skill level and ability will also help you to have more control over your board and allow you to surf with others safely.

Don’t ‘Drop In’ on or Snake Someone. This won’t be a problem if a surfer follows the right-of-way rule. But “dropping in” on a surfer basically means you’re cutting in front of them while they’re catching a wave. This happens when someone further out on the shoulder of the wave tries to catch a wave another surfer is already riding or has claimed, thus cutting off or blocking the first surfer. This is, of course, very offensive and very dangerous. The surfer with the right-of-way riding the wave could very easily run into the surfer dropping in. This could happen by accident so always stay alert to where others are around you.

Snaking is a more intentional drop-in where someone knowingly, and often more subtly and deviously, paddles around a person who has the right-of-way and catches the wave they were going for.

Don’t Paddle Into a Lineup. Again, the right-of-way rule says that the surfer riding the wave has the right of way. Thus, if you are paddling out, you need to make sure to stay out of the way of riders on the waves. Don’t paddle directly into or close to a lineup. Always paddle out around the break in the channel so that you’re not in the path of oncoming surfers.

Respect the ocean, the beach, and fellow surfers. As with commonplace rules of etiquette, you should always leave a place at least as good as the way you found it…picking up after yourself and not leaving trash on the beach or in the ocean. Also respect fellow surfers, apologizing for mistakes, and respect their local customs and rules of etiquette for the lineup.

Keep in mind these few simple guidelines of proper surfing etiquette, and you’ll not only be riding a waves, but also have the respect of the local surfing scene.